2020 DAISY Award Winner
2020 DAISY Award Winner
Submitted by ahs-admin on Fri, 05/08/2020 - 10:42On Wednesday, May 6th, Tulsa Spine & Specialty Hospital (TSSH) celebrated National Nurses Day. We love a good party but since we still have staff out during the pandemic, we temporarily took a more modest approach to our celebration. We'll do the same for Hospital Week (May 10-16) and look forward to "Hospital Week 2.0" in late summer/early fall.
The World Health Organization deemed 2020 as THE YEAR OF THE NURSE and this year has proven that nurses are AMAZING. (As if we didn't already know that!) They are strong, compassionate, empathetic team players and Tulsa Spine & Specialty Hospital (TSSH) definitely has the gems of the RNs!
In addition to showing appreciation for all of our nurses, we also awarded our very first DAISY Award winner. The DAISY Award was created in recognition of a patient, J. Patrick Barnes, who passed away in 1999. He wanted to show his gratitude to amazing nurses that took care of him while he was hospitalized.
Recognizing outstanding nurses and their commitment to patient care is The DAISY Foundation’s mission. The DAISY Award is an inspirational and meaningful way to recognize nurses, while increasing morale. This award is now recognized by health care systems worldwide and once awarded, the nurse becomes a part of an elite group.
One year ago, TSSH kicked off our DAISY initiative and have had many nurses nominated. Pictured are a few of the nominees (L to R): Elizabeth Sparks, Chief Nursing Officer, with nominees Sara McCaslin, Ashley Dunigan, Tracy Brown and Jamie Barry.
The 2020 TSSH DAISY Award goes to ASHLEY DUNIGAN! Ashley began working for TSSH in 2012 as a nurse aide. She was quickly recognized as an outstanding employee. She goes above and beyond to help her patients and support her co-workers where ever it is needed. We were glad to allow her time to finish school and gain valuable nursing experience and even more thrilled when she came back home to TSSH in October 2018! Congratulations on a well-deserved honor, Ashley!